Meet our employee of the month! Rebecca Pratt is the assistant to our directors, Brian and Wayne, and this month we sat down with her to answer a few questions…

What’s one thing about you that your work colleagues don’t know about?
I can speak, write and read Hungarian.

How would you describe McPhails?
McPhails is a great place to work. The team is friendly and has a family feel with lots of laughs.

What is your role at McPhails?
My role is Assistant to Directors – to help aid the growth of the business.

Who is your boss and what are they like to work for?
I work for both of the Partners, Brian McPhail and Wayne Durdin. They have different personalities and it’s great as they both have strengths in different areas of the business. I hold them accountable and sometimes give them a bit of a prod to get things done.

McPhails employees never leave! What do people like about working at McPhails?
I think the team environment and everyone is willing to help each other out is what people like the most.

What was your nickname at school and why?
Becsta- nothing specific but relates to my name Rebecca

If you were given $200 [yes for no reason!] what would you do with it and why?
Shopping of course! Shoes, shoes and more shoes. Call me Imelda Marcos lol

Favourite holiday destination as a child?
Queensland because of the theme parks and beaches

If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
Criminal Profiler